
  • V.P. Kyrylyuk Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Львів, Україна



Ключові слова:

Український щит, стратиграфічна схема, шкала геологічного часу, стратиграфічний комплекс, серія, нижній докембрій, архей, протерозой


Розглянуті невідповідності діючої Кореляційної хроностратиграфічної схеми раннього докембрію Українського щита новому Стратиграфічному кодексу України (2012), співвідношення цієї схеми з Міжнародною шкалою геологічного часу, а також відображені в схемі помилкові, на думку автора, уявлення, що стосуються обсягу, розчленування, відносного стратиграфічного положення та віку архейських дозеленокам’яних комплексів Українського щита. Пропонується повернення від ізотопно-геохронологічних до історико-геологічних засад побудови стратиграфічної схеми нижнього докембрію Українського щита, з провідною роллю геологічних підстав стратиграфічного розчленування і кореляції архею та протерозою, а також наводиться низка змістовних та організаційних рекомендацій щодо складання нової схеми. 



Kyrylyuk V.P., 1982а. Stratigraphy of Precambrian of Western part of the Ukrainian shield. Article 1. Stratigraphic complexes of Precambrian and formations of Early Archean. Geologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 42, № 3 (204), p. 88–103 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 1982б. Stratigraphy of Precambrian of western part of the Ukrainian shield. Article 2. Formations of the Late Archean and Proterozoic and summary stratigraphic scheme. Geologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 42, № 4 (205), p. 30-41 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 1982в. On certain problems involved in creating the stratigraphic scheme framework of the Precambrian Ukrainian Shield. Geologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 42 № 6 (206), p. 54-64 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 1986. About the stratotypical areas and stratotypes of the Precambrian of the western part of the Ukrainian shield. Geologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 46, № 2 (227), p. 36–46 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 2010а. Stratigraphic dismemberment and problems in correlation between pre-greenstone metamorphic complexes of the Ukrainian Shield. Stratigrafiya, geohronologiya i korrelyaciya nizhnedokembrijskih porodnyh kompleksov fundamenta Vostochno-Evropejskoj platform: Thesis of Intern. sci.-pract. conf. Kiev: UkrGGRI, p. 88–92 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 2010б. Granulito-gneissic complex of the Sount Bug River as European stratotype of the Lower Archean. Stratigrafiya, geohronologiya i korrelyaciya nizhnedokembrijskih porodnyh kompleksov fundamenta Vostochno-Evropejskoj platformy: Thesis of Intern. sci.-pract. conf. Kiev: UkrGGRI, p. 93-96 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 2013а. Unique characteristics of the studies of the Early Precambrian. Part 1. Particular qualities of traditional stratigraphic dismemberment. Geologichnyy zhurnal, № 3 ( 344), p. 101-113 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 2013б. Unique characteristics of the studies of the Early Precambrian. Part 2. The role of geoformational analysis in the study of the stratigraphy of Lower Precambrian. Geologichnyy zhurnal, № 4 (345), p. 102-114 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 2015а. Revisiting the issues with the stratigraphy of the Bug granulite complex (a commentary on forming a new regional stratigraphic scheme for the Lower Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield). Article 1. General information and division of the Bug stratigraphic complex into suites. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats UkrDHRI, № 2, p. 125-140 (in Ukrainian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 2015б. Revisiting the issues with the stratigraphy of the Bug granulite complex (a commentary on forming a new regional stratigraphic scheme for the Lower Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield). Article 2. The relations between the suites of the Bug Area stratigraphic complex. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats UkrDHRI, № 3, p. 147-168 (in Ukrainian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 2015в. Revisiting the issues with the stratigraphy of the Bug granulite complex (a commentary on forming a new regional stratigraphic scheme for the Lower Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield). Article 3. The extent of the Bug Area Stratigraphic complex and the issue with its series. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats UkrDHRI, № 4, p. 133-143 (in Ukrainian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., 2016. Revisiting the issues with the stratigraphy of the Bug granulite complex (a commentary on forming a new regional stratigraphic scheme for the Lower Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield). Article 4. The place of the Bug Area stratigraphic complex in the general geochronological scale of the Precambrian. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats UkrDHRI, № 1, p. 90-108 (in Ukrainian).

Kirilyuk V.P., Zhulanova I.L., 2013. Lower Precambrian Sratigraphic Sheme in Russia and Ukraine: comparison, analysis of differences, ways of rapprochement. Geologichnyy zhurnal, № 2 (343), p. 89-120 (in Russian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., Paranko I.S., 2014а. Stratgraphic complexes – a basis of Precambrian stratigraphic scheme of the Ukrainian shield. Article 1. Methodological aspects of Precambrian general stratigraphic scheme creation of the Ukrainian Shield. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats UkrDHRI, № 3–4, p. 70-87 (in Ukrainian).

Kyrylyuk V.P., Paranko I.S., 2014б. Stratgraphic complexes – a basis of Precambrian stratigraphic scheme of the Ukrainian shield. Article 2. Structural-lithological features and relationships of stratigraphic complexes of the Ukrainian Shield. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats UkrDHRI, № 3–4. p. 88-113 (in Ukrainian).

Correlation сhronostratigraphic scheme of Early Precambrian of the Ukrainian shield (explanatory note): Yesypchuk K.Yu., Bobrov O.B., Stepanyuk L.M. et al., 2004. Kiev: UkrDGRІ, 30 p. (in Ukrainian).

Kostenko M.M., 2016. Proposals to improve the correlation chronostratigraphy scheme of Early Precambrian of Ukrainian shield. Mineralni resursy Ukrainy, № 1, p. 8-15 (in Ukrainian).

Lazko E.M., Kyrylyuk V.P., Sivoronov A.A., Yacenko G.M., 1970. Geological complexes of the Precambrian of southwest part of the Ukrainian shield and principles of their allocation. Sovetskaya geologiya, № 6, p. 28–43 (in Russian).

Lazko E.M., Kyrylyuk V.P., Sivoronov A.A., Yacenko G.M., 1975. Lower Precambrian of the western part of the Ukrainian shield. (Age complexes and formations). Lvov: Vischa shkola, 239 р. (in Russian).

Lazko E.M., Kirilyuk V. P., Lysak A.M. et al., 1986. Lower Precambrian stratigraphic scheme of the Ukrainian shield (on formational basis). Geologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 46, № 2 (227), p. 18–26 (in Russian).

Lysak A.M., Lashmanov V.I., Sveshnikov K.I., Paschenko V.G., 1989. To the question of Stratigraphy of the gneisso-migmatitic formations of the Lower Precambrian of Azov Area. Geologicheskij zhurnal, № 3 (246), р. 60–69 (in Russian).

Petrographic code of Ukraine: Shcherbakov I.B. (Resp. ed.). Kyiv, 1999, 81 p. (in Ukrainian).

Message., 2013. Mineralni resursy Ukrayny, № 1, p. 7–8 (in Ukrainian).

Stratigraphic Code of URSS: Zhamoida A.I. (Resp. ed.). Leningrad, 1977, 79 p. (in Russian).

Stratigraphic Code of Ukraine. 2nd ed.: Gozhyk P.F. (Resp. ed.). Kyiv, 2012, 66 p. (in Ukrainian).

A geologic times scale: Harland W.B., Cox A.V., Llewellin P.G. et al., 1985. Moscow: Mir, 142 p. (in Russian).

Shherbak M.P., Artemenko G.V. Lesnaja I.М., Ponomarenko A.N., 2005. Geochronology of Early

Precambrian of the Ukrainian Shield. Archean. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 244 p. (in Russian).

A Concise Geologic Time Scale 2016. James G. Ogg, Gabi M. Ogg, Felix M. Gradstein. Amsterdam • Boston • Heidelberg • London • New York • Oxford • Paris • San Diego • San Francisco • Singapore • Sydney • Tokyo: Elsevier, 234 p. (in English).




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