
  • O.O. Remezova Інститут геологічних наук НАН України, Київ, Україна
  • S.P. Vasilenko Інститут геологічних наук НАН України, Київ, Україна



Ключові слова:

корисні копалини, родовище, металогенія, рудоносність, мінералізація, Україна, геологічні дослідження


 Наведено найвагоміші результати діяльності відділу геології корисних копалин ІГН НАН України протягом 1990–2018 рр. Проаналізовано та узагальнено масив геологічної, геофізичної, геохімічної і металогенічної інформації території України та світу. Доведено, що Україна має потужну мінерально-сировинну базу і належить до найзначущих країн світу за мінерально-ресурсним потенціалом. Визначено напрями розвитку та першочергові дослідження відділу на подальші роки.



An Atlas of the Geology and Minerals Deposits of Ukraine, scale 1:5 000 000,2007. L.S. Galets’kyi, N.M. Cherniyenko, M.O. Akulov, M.M. Baisarovych et al. Printed inCanada, Publisher –Toronto:University ofToronto Press, 168 p. (in English).

Atlas «Geology and Minerals Deposits ofUkraine», 2001. (Ed. L.S. Galetskyi). Kyiv, 168 p. (in Ukranian).

Azarova S.P., 2001. The Perga gentgelvin deposit is unique industrial ore object in the world. In: Rare metals of Ukraine – a look into the future. Kyiv, p. 3-14 (in Russian).

Bakka M.T., Remezova O.О., 2000. Fundamentals of geology. Zhytomyr: RBB ZhITI, 380 p. (in Ukranian).

Bogdasarov M.A., Komlev А.А., Nesterovskiy V.А., Remezova E., 2017. Amber formation of Ukraine and Belarus (scientific, methodological and practical aspects of the study). Lithasphere, № 1 (46), p. 143-149 (in Russian).

Deryabin N.I., 2009a. Clastolitic fluidizites and their ores. Kiev: Lat&К, 200 p. (in Russian).

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Deryabin N.I., 2007a. Near ore fluidizite rocks. Кiеv: Sofia, 228 p. (in Russian).

Deryabin N.I., 2007b. Ore formation. Kiev: Lat&К, 332 p. (in Russian).

Deryabin N.I., 2012. Ore formations and projected areas of the Ukrainian shield. Kiev: Lat&К, 223 p. (in Russian).

Galetsky L.S., Azarova S.P., 2000. Conditions of ore concentration and formation of large deposits of noble and rare metals. Precious and rare metals. Infor. materials III International Conf. BRM-2000.Donetsk, p. 67 (in Russian).

Galetsky L.S., Bochay L.V., Voynovskiy A.S., 2002. Complex metallogenic map of Ukraine, scale 1:5 00 000. Kyiv: State Geological Survey of Ukraine. Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine (in Ukranian).

Galetsky L.S., Komskiy М.М., Marinovich B.А., Remezova O.O., 2009. Geological and genetic model of Fedorov's titanic intrusive. Geokhimiya ta rudoutvorennya, № 27, p. 39-44 (in Ukranian).

Galetsky L.S., Koms’kiy М.М., Remezova O.O., 2011. Features of the composition of the main breeds Korosten complex and the origin of indigenous titanium ores. Visnyk Kyivskogo Nastionalnogo Universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Geologiya, №. 52, p. 9-13 (in Ukranian).

Galetsky L.S., Remezova O.O., 2008. Problems and prospects of complex use of titanium and rare-metal deposits of the Ukrainian shield. Visnyk DonTU. Ser. Girnycho-geologichna, iss. 8, p. 68-73 (in Ukranian).

Galetsky L.S., Remezova O.O., 2011. Strategy of development of the mineral-raw base of titanium of Ukraine. Geologichnyy zhurnal, № 3 (336), p. 66-70 (in Ukranian).

Galetsky L.S., Remezova O.O., 2007. Titanium ore of Ukraine. Geolog Ukrainy, № 3, p. 51-61 (in Ukranian).

Galetsky L.S., Remezova O.O., Lupinos S.M., Pruttchkov D.V., Syvak V.V., 2012. Prospects for mastering the mineral-raw material base of magnesite in Ukraine. Geologichnyy zhurnal, № 1 (338), p. 48-56 (in Ukranian).

Galetsky L.S., Remezova E.A., Lupinos S.M., 2012. Possibility of integrated use of talc magnesite deposits in Ukraine (on the example of Veseliansky deposit). Novi materialy i tekhnologii v metalurgii ta mashynobuduvanni, № 2, p. 100-105 (in Russian).

Galetsky L.S., Voynovskiy А.S., Bochay L.V., Nechaev S.D. et al., 2003. Complex metallogenic map of Ukraine scale 1:500 000. Explanatory note. Kyiv: State Geological Survey of Ukraine; UkrDGRI (in Ukranian).

Gozhik P.F., Galetsky L.S., Vasylenko S.P., 2008. About the international publication "Geology of the land and sea territories of Northern Europe". Geolog Ukrainy, № 1-2, p. 28-38 (in Ukranian).

Khrushchev D.P., Kovalchuk М.S., Remezova E.A., Lalomov А.V., Tsymbal S.N., Lobasov А.P., Ganzha Е.А., Dudchenko Yu.V., Kroshko Yu.V., 2017. Structural-lithologic modeling of sedimentary formations. Кiev: Interservice, 352 p. (in Russian).

Khrushchev D.P., Lalomov A.V., Chizhova I.A., Lobasov A.P., Remezova O.O., Kovalchuk M.S., Svivalneva T.V., Kravchenko O.А., Bosevska L.P., 2013. Modelling of prospective sedimentary formations: digital structural-lithlogical and complex ecological-mining geological models. Freiberger Forschungsforum – 2013 «14. GeokinematischerTag», 16 und 17 Mai 2013. Freiberg: TU «Bergakademie Freiberg», p. 215-230 (in English).

Khrushchev D.P., Lobasov А.P., Geychenko M.V., Kovalchuk М.S., Remezova E.A., 2010. Structural-lithological models of perspective sedimentary formations. Mineralni resursy Ukrainy, № 4, p. 39-44 (in Russian).

Khrushchev D.P., Lobasov А.P., Kovalchuk М.S., Remezova E.A., 2012. Targeted expert systems of geological orientation. Geologichnyy zhurnal, № 2 (339), p. 87-99 (in Russian).

Krayushkyn V.А., 2002. Oil and gas perspective objects of Ukraine. Oil and gas basement of sedimentary basins. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 296 p. (in Russian).

Kuzmanenko G.О., 2012. The variability of weathering measles on tectonic structures within the northwestern part of the Ukrainian shield. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats IGN NAN Ukrainy, iss. 5, p. 118-122 (in Ukranian).

Laverov N.P., Chizhova I.A., Khrushchov D.P., Lalomov A.V. and Remezova E.A., 2014. Digital Modeling in the Study of Heavy Mineral Placers. Geostatistical and Geospatial Approaches for the Characterization of Natural Resources in the Environment: Challenges, Processes and Strategies. Proceedings of the 16th International Association for Mathematical Geosciences, New Delhi (India), October 17-20, 2014. (Ed. N. Janardhana Raju). New Delhi: Capital Publishing Company, p. 337-340 (in English).

Laverov N.P., Gozhik P.F., Khrushchov D.P., Lalomov A.V., Lobasov А.P., Chizhova I.A., Kovalchuk М.S., Remezova E.A., Chefranov R.М., Bochneva А.А., Vasylenko S.P., Kravchenko E.A., Ocholina T.V., Kroshko Yu.V., 2014. Digital structural and lithological geological and dynamic modeling of heavy mineral deposits. Kiev; Moscow: Interservice, 236 p. (in Russian).

Magmedov V.G., Galetsky L.S., Yakovlev Ye.A., Azarova S.P., 2002. Urban groundwater contamination: lessons from the Donbass region, Ukraine. Kluwer Academic Publ.Netherlands, p. 363-379 (in English).

Matsui V.M., 2016. The evolution of tar-producing vegetation and the formation of deposits of fossil resins. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, p. 139 (in Russian).

Matsui V.M., Epatko Yu.М., 2006. Alatyr-Stone – Amber. Kiev: DazhBog, 116 p. (in Russian).

Matsui V.M., Nesterovskiy V.А., 1995. Amber of Ukraine (state of the problem). Kiev: Terra, 56 p. (in Russian).

Remezova E.A., 2016. Consideration of the structural-geological factor in the construction of geological and genetic models of amber-bearing placers. Веснік Брэсцкага ўніверсітэта. Серыя 5. Хімія. Біялогія. Навукі аб зямлі, № 2, p. 95-102 (in Russian).

Remezova E.A., Kuzmanenko G.О., 2013. Distribution patterns of kaolin from the Glukhovetsky deposit (Ukraine) by quality indicators. Georesursy (Kazan’), № 5 (55), p. 16-18 (in Russian).

Remezova E.A., Vasylenko S.P., Svivalneva T.V., Yaremenko О.V., 2014. Conditions of zircon accumulation in titanium-zirconium deposits in the Dnieper alluvial zone of Ukraine. Vestnik Voronezhskogo Universiteta. Ser. Geologiya, iss. 3, p. 79-84 (in Russian).

Remezova O.O., 2005b. Problems of investigation of the layered intrusive bodies of the Ukrainian shield. Geologo-mineralogichnyy visnyk, № 1 (13), p. 61-67 (in Ukranian).

Remezova O.O., 2008. Evolution of magmatism of Korosten pluton and its connection with metallogeny. In: Evolution of Precambrian granitoids and related minerals in connection with the Earth's energy and the stages of its tectonic-magmatic activation: Collection sci. words. Kyiv: UkrDGRI, p. 195-200 (in Ukranian).

Remezova O.O., 2011a. Minerals-indicators of petrogenesis of stratified titanic intrusions of Korosten pluton gabbro. Zapysky Ukrainskogo mineralogichnogo tovarystva, vol. 8, p. 162-165 (in Ukranian).

Remezova O.O., 2005a. Problems of ilmenite deposits investigations of the northwestern part of the Ukrainian shield. Sbornik nauchnukh trudov Natsionalnogo Gornogo Universiteta, № 23, p. 22-27 (in Ukranian).

Remezova O.O., 2011b. Structural-tectonic factors of formation of titanic massifs of gabbro of Korosten pluton. Visnyk Kyivskogo Natsionalnogo Universitetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Geologia, iss. 53, p. 8-14 (in Ukranian).

Remezova O.O., 2007. Titanic Intrusions of the gabbro-sienite Formation of the Ukrainian Shield. Geologo-mineralogichnyy visnyk, № 1, p. 37-46 (in Ukranian).

Remezova O.O., Ostafiychuk N.М., 2008. Geology with the basics of geomorphology: method. instructions. Zhytomyr: ZhDTU, 118 p. (in Ukranian).

Remezova O.O., Ostafiychuk N.М., Stade О.М., 2011. Installation of facing products from a stone: teaching. manual. Zhytomyr: ZhDTU, 304 p. (in Ukranian).

Rudenko K.V., Derevskaya К.I., Pryxod’ko V.L., Slobodyan B.І., Alexandrov О.L., 2017. The native copper of the volcanic formations of the world. Kyiv: Logos, 95 p. (in Ukranian).

Vasylenko S.P., Kyrpach Y.V., Kravchenko E.A., Svivalneva T.V., Bosevskaya L.P., Shevchuk A.I., 2013. Digital structural-lythological modeling as a technology for geological objects structure, and composition reflection. The 5th International Scientific Conference of young scientists and students “Fundamental and applied geological science: achievements, prospects, problems and ways of the solutions”. The conference’s Abstract, November 14-15, 2013Baku.Baku, p. 302-304 (in English).

Vasylenko S.P., Svivalneva T.V., Kravchenko E.A., 2014. Experience of using digital structural and lithological modeling for placers of heavy minerals. Virtual and real lithological models: Materials Ural lithological conference and Youth school of lithology, Yekaterinburg, Russia, 21-24 October 2013, p. 29-32 (in Russian).





