
  • С.Б. Шехунова Інститут геологічних наук НАН України, Україна




25 жовтня 2024 року виповнилося 75 років Тадеушу Мареку Периту – знаному польському геологу, фахівцю у галузі літології, седиментології, геології корисних копалин, доктору габілітованому (1987), професору (1992), іноземному члену Національної академії наук України (2000), члену-кореспонденту Польської академії мистецтв та наук, багаторічному директору Державного геологічного інституту.


García-Veigas J., Cendón D.I., Pueyo J.J., Peryt T. M. 2011. Zechstein saline brines in Poland, evidence of overturned anoxic ocean during the Late Permian mass extinction event. Chemical Geology, 290(3–4), 189–201.

Kiersnowski H., Paul J., Peryt T., Smith D. 1995. Facies, paleogeography, and sedimentary history of the Southern Permian Basin in Europe. In: The Permian of Northern Pangea: Volume 2: Sedimentary Basins and Economic Resources. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 119–136.

Kiersnowski H., Peryt T. M., Buniak A., Mikołajewski Z. 2010. From the intra-desert ridges to the marine carbonate island chain: middle to late Permian (Upper Rotliegend–Lower Zechstein) of the Wolsztyn–Pogorzela high, west Poland. Geological Journal, 45(2–3), 319–335.

Kotarba M.J., Peryt T.M., Koltun Y.V. 2011. Microbial gas system and prospectives of hydrocarbon exploration in Miocene strata of the Polish and Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 81(3), 523–548.

Kovalevich V.M., Peryt T.M., Petrichenko O.I. 1998. Secular variation in seawater chemistry during the Phanerozoic as indicated by brine inclusions in halite. Journal of Geology, 106(6), 695–712.

Oszczypko N., Krzywiec P., Popadyuk I., Peryt T. 2006. Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Poland and Ukraine): its sedimentary, structural, and geodynamic evolution. AAPG Special Volumes, p. 293–350.

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Peryt T.M. 2006. The beginning, development and termination of the Middle Miocene Badenian salinity crisis in Central Paratethys. Sedimentary Geology, 188–189, p. 379–396.

Peryt T. M., Geluk M.C., Mathiesen A., Paul J., Smith K. 2010. Zechstein. In: Petroleum geological atlas of the Southern Permian Basin area, 123–147.

Peryt T. M., Halas S., Hryniv S. P. 2010. Sulphur and oxygen isotope signatures of late Permian Zechstein anhydrites, West Poland: seawater evolution and diagenetic constraints. Geological Quarterly, 54(4), 387–400.

Peryt T.M., Kasprzyk A. 1992. Earthquake-induced resedimentation in the Badenian (Middle Miocene) gypsum of southern Poland. Sedimentology (Oxford), 39, p. 235–249.

Peryt T.M., Raczyński P., Peryt D., Chłódek K. 2012. Upper Permian reef complex in the basinal facies of the Zechstein Limestone (Ca1), western Poland. Geological Journal, 47(5), 537–552.

Peryt T., Gluszyñski A. 2020. Science in the national geological survey. Przeglad Geologiczny. 68. N 5. P. 312–318.

Peryt T.M. & Kovalevich V.M. 1997. Association of redeposited salt breccias and potash evaporites in the Lower Miocene of Stebnyk (Carpathian Foredeep, West Ukraine). – Journal Sediment. Research (Lawrence), 67, p. 913–922.

Peryt T.M. 2001. Gypsum facies transitions in basin-marginal evaporites: middle Miocene (Badenian) of west Ukraine. Sedimentology (Oxford), 48, p. 1103–1119.

Peryt T.M. 2018a. Science and the national geological survey. Przeglad Geologiczny. 66, N 8. P. 475–476.

Peryt T.M. 2018b. Audiatur et altera pars: on the issue of the execution of geological survey tasks – polemics. Przeglad Geologiczny. 66. N 10. P. 624–628.

Peryt T.M. 2019. Polish Geological Institute as the national geological survey– hundred years at the service for Poland. Przeglad Geologiczny. 67. N 7. P. 519–534.

Peryt T.M., Peryt D., Jasionowski M., Poberezhsky A.V., Durakiewicz T. 2004. Post-evaporitic restricted deposition in the Middle Miocene Chokrakian-Karaganian of East Crimea (Ukraine). – Sedimentary Geology (Amsterdam), 170, p. 21–36.

Peryt T.M. 1996. Sedimentology of Badenian (middle Miocene) gypsum in eastern Galicia, Podolia and Bukovina (West Ukraine). Sedimentology (Oxford), 43, p. 571–588.

Petrychenko O.Y. & Peryt T.M., 2004. Geochemical conditions of deposition in the Upper Devonian Prypiac’ and Dnipro-Donets evaporite basins (Belarus and Ukraine). – Journal of Geology (Chicago), 112, p. 577–592.

Rosell L., Orti F., Kasprzyk A., Playa E., Peryt T.M. 1998. Strontium geochemistry of Miocene primary gypsum: Messinian of southeastern Spain and Sicily and Badenian of Poland. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 68 (1).

Scholle P.A., Peryt T.M., Ulmer-Scholle D. S. ed. 1995. The Permian of Northern Pangea. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.

Wolkowicz S., Peryt T. M. 2019. One hundred years of the Polish Geological Institute – an outline of the material history. Przeglad Geologiczny. 67. N 7. P. 507–518.





