
  • G.S. Ponomarenko Інститут геологічних наук НАН України, Ukraine



Ключові слова:

вуглеводневі ресурси, нафтогазові басейни давніх платформ, Північна Америка


Виконано оцінку стану ресурсної бази вуглеводнів Західного Внутрішнього і Пермського нафтогазоносних басейнів (НГБ) Північно-Американської платформи для подальшого порівняльного аналізу з НГБ Східно-Європейської платформи, зокрема Дніпровсько-Прип’ятським НГБ.


Bakirov A.A., Varentsov M.I., Bakirov E.A. Oil and gas provinces and regions of forein countries. Moscow: Nedra, 1979. 456 p. (in Russian).

Beck K., Vysotsky I. Oil and gas geology. Moscow: Nedra, 1976. 592 p. (in Russian).

Volsky E.L., Novikova L.I., Kabanchik L.Y, Maximova I.F. The gas industry of the USA. Moscow : VNIIGAS 2011. 150 p. (Information-analytical review) (in Russian).

Vysotsky I.V., Vysotsky V.I., Olenin V.B. Oil and gas basins of foreign countries. Moscow: Nedra, 1990. 406 p. (in Russian).

Geological and mineralogical map of the World. 1:15 000 000. Explanatory note. Part 3. Oil resources of the continents and transitals. Geological and economic evaluation / Scientific eds: M.D. Belonin, V.I. Nazarov. St. Petersburg publishing: St. Petersburg VSEGEI, 2000. 70 p. (Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, Russian Academy of Sciences, VNIGRI) (in Russian).

Inventory of foreign countries with natural resources of oil and gas / Scientific ed. N.A. Kalinin. Leningrad: Nedra, 1983. T. 1. 335 p.; T. 2. 319 p. (in Russian).

Map of oil and gas potential of the World. 1:15 000 000. Explanatory note / Scientific eds: V.I. Vysotsky, E.N. Isaev, K.A. Kleschev et al. Moscow: VNIIzarubezhgeollogia, 1994. 196 p. 15 1 (in Russian).

Modelevsky M.S., Gurevich G.S, Hartukov E.M. Gas and oil resources and perspectives for their development. Moscow: Nedra, 1983. 224 p. (in Russian).

Petroleum potential in deep sediments of the East-European platform / L.G. Kiryuhin, I.N. Kapustin, M.I. Lodzhevskaya and others. Moscow: Nedra, 1993. 317 p. (in Russian).

Perspective oil and gas provincs of the United States of America / Ed. I.H. Krama.Moscow : Nedra, 1974. 632 p. (in Russian).

Reference book of oil and gas deposits in foreign countries. Book 1. Europe. North and Central America / Ed. I.V. Vysotsky. Moscow: Nedra, 1976. 600 p. (in Russian).

Eder L.V., 2004.Regional structure of the resource base and production of oil in the USA: Current status and prognosis till 2030. Economika i upravlenie, № 5-6, P. 86-91, (Mineral Resources of Russia) (in Russian).

Evolution of oil and gas in the Earth’s history: a collection of research papers / Еd. Eremenko N.A., Neruchev S.G., Sokolov B.A. Moscow: Nauka, 1986. 222 p. (in Russian).

Hain V.E. Sokolov B.A. Fluid and dynamic analysis is a new stage in the development of the doctrine about oil and gas potenzial of sedimentary basins. In: Fluid dynamic factor in the tectonic and oil and gas of sedimentary basins. Moscow: Nauka, 1986. 16 p. (in Russian).





